
Biology PSI Society Homeworld Language Background Notes


Humans consist of two arms and legs and a small head Extending out from a central torso. The Brain controls all the body's actions. The body holds its shape be means of an Endoskeleton, consisting of 204 bones mostly made up of calcium and phosperous. A skin layer then covers the endoskeleton, in some places hair cells can be found. The main organs are 2 Lungs, Heart, Stomach, Small Intestine, Large Intestines, Liver and Kidneys.

The human body is able to withstand temperature changes from -20°c to 60°c. There four fingered hands also make them idea operators of equipment. However there bodys are very weak and the slightest force upon it can injure a human.


Terran telepaths were discovered 10 years after the Terran/Korhonen war. A short journal from Dr David Sanders who first discovered them has been provided to us by his son Dr Martijn Sanders for inclusion in the encyclopedia. The journal can be accessed here.

At present there is no regulating body of human telepaths. However it is illegal for telepaths to:

The punishments are as follows:

PSI's with a THETA RATING (See Morgenson PSI CLASSIFICATION) are encouraged to join the military, for use in intelligence/spying and other beyond top secret assignments.

We have been leaked a top secret report into the the research of the military in PSI research. This is a link to the report. PSI Report


Terran Senate Terran Presidency The diagrams shown on the right shows the chain of command:

The Earth Senate has overall control, the civilian government is responsible for funding of the Armed forces and other branches, and the Armed Forces is responsible for proving military support to colonies and outposts.

Each civilian colony is under the control of an elected Colonial Overseer, and every military ship, colony or station is under command of an appointed Commander, who is responsible for co-ordinating security, medical heads and the second in command. The Security chief is responsible for co-ordinating the rest of the security staff, the CMO is responsible for the entire medical staff and the status of the Medlab facility. The Second in Command is responsible for all the command level personnel, C&C, Fusion Reactor status and Maintenence.


Terran Homeworld The homeworld of the Earth Confederation is Earth, it is also known as Terra and Sol 3 but its inhabitants call it Earth. Much of it was destroyed in the 21st century, either by primitive Atomic based weaponry, or by the Korhonen bombardment with Mass Drivers. Still, scars are visible on the Earth's surface. The Earth consists of around 80% ocean, however in the year 1960 the Earth was only around 70% water. The increase is a result of the melting of polar ice caps, caused by a Greenhouse effect and the Korhonen bombing where the ice caps were specifically targeted in a bid to flood costal military targets. The rest of the planet is lush and green thanks to the Green Earth Project. This began in 2083, the aim of the project was to replace the rain-forests in Africa and south America, these were cut down in the late 20th century for fuel or to make room for buildings.

There are 8 major continents on Earth, 7 are natural and one is Man-made, they are Africa, Asia, North America, South America, Australasia, Europe, Antarctica and the Atlantean Continent. The latter is a huge artificial continent in the Atlantic Ocean, it was constructed in 2097 with the help of the Morgenson. It was designed to provide a new habitat for survivors of the Korhonen Wars. The Major cities on Earth are Atlantis, Paris, London, Tokyo, New Moscow, San Angeles (This was once two cities, San Francisco and Los Angeles, but the Sons of the Desert made it into one), New York, and Geneva. San Angeles is the home of the Earth Senate and Military Command, a large military complex used a command and control center in wartime, is located deep underground in Nevada.

San Angeles is yet another example of engineering prowess. It exists 78% on the sea! It it supported on huge struts, however newer sections have used the Mark 7 CARTARGIA BASED ANTIGRAV DEVICE.


The main language for Earth is Earth Standard (English).



Collins Encyclopedia Galactica - All Contents © Eddie Collins , Chris Page & Rob Asumendi